MooD Patterns

Mood tracker & diary with privacy

Gain insights into your feelings

Mood journals and diaries are a great way to keep a record of your feelings, but Mood Patterns can do much more for you. It links how you feel to your location, company, and activity as well as to how you slept and to recent events in your life. Use it to explore the patterns in your mood.

Capture how you feel in your daily life

Some activities in our lives are more salient than others. We remember them better and more vividly and therefore often believe that they take a larger part of each day than they do. However, for most of us, routines fill the largest part of our daily life and those are often overlooked in diaries. 
To capture all parts of your life that matter Mood Patterns uses a method of the social sciences: ecological momentary assessment also known as experience sampling

You are unique

Where we go, who we meet, and what we do is individual. With Mood Patterns, you do not have to choose from a fixed set of categories but can tailor your options to your personal needs. Be as nuanced as you like in configuring places, people, and activities.

Your data is YOUR data

How you feel is sensitive private data. We believe it should not be carelessly entrusted to anybody. Mood Patterns does not request Internet permission, therefore no data transfer without your knowledge is possible. 
Nonetheless, we believe that you should have full access to the data you produce. You can export all data anytime you like.

Your data is safe

Denying Mood Patterns Internet access frees you from the need to trust us, but what about others? An app lock assures that only you can use the app. Further, all data is 256-bit AES encrypted. Unfortunately, there is no 100% safety but Mood Patterns makes it hard to get your data without your consent.


(At least a small selection of them.)

Benefits of smiling

It is more than just a mood tracker

Track and get insights on a large array of data.

30 predefined mood scales
30 customizable mood scales
phone/app usage
written notes

In media